OK, so we have this great idea...Mom is going to buy a smaller house for her to live in, 2 houses away from the home she lives in now. I am going to buy the current house from her. We will be close together, I can take care of her better...it's just all good!!! Until you get a bank involved!
Mom has now gone all out and is going for an Academy Award!! She has cried, she has yelled, she has gone for pity...all with the bank. I think they should be quite impressed with how she can make them feel like shit, because, well, they are!!
We have both been packing up our houses for 21 days. We are living out of boxes now. Which is probably better then living IN boxes. That could happen soon, if the BANK doesn't get with the program. I'm thinking a nice refridgerator box, under an overpass on I-4. We can add on as needed, find another big box, break out my trusty blue box cutter that I always carry in my purse, cut a new door in, use duct tape and attach them together. We can find lovely items in dumpsters to decorate. I saw some real nice, good, used shag carpet the other day!! For beds, I have a beautiful "Bratz" sleeping bag, and a "Princess" bag from Disney!! Ahhh, what I'm picturing is just a wonderful colorful new home!! Not to much to clean. I won't be needing my Kirby, I can just make people take their shoes off before entering my box! I usually do that anyway, shoes are a little too distracting and show that it's just a quicky visit!!!LOL
I'm going to miss my pool. BUT there are really nice retention ponds on I-4. I'm sure I can just walk down to one, set up my lawn chair, get some sun, maybe have a cooler of beer.... With the people that I have considered idiots w/ their stereos SO loud, Well, now I could learn to appreciate that...I'd have some music. If I put up signs saying "98.9" maybe everyone could get on the same station and I could hear a whole song, instead of bits and peices....I'm pondering this!!:)
Well, I'm off to locate my basil...seasonings are in a box here somewhere....