Haitian Mother and Daughter
18" x 24"
Pastel ~ Matted and Framed

16" X 20"
Pastel ~ Matted and Framed

16" x 20"
Pastel ~ Matted and Framed

16" x 20"
Pastel ~ matted and framed

16" x 20"
Pastel ~ Matted and Framed
I did this series of Haitian children at the end of 2009. These are the real faces of kids that live on the tiny island of Ile La Vache, off the South West edge of Haiti, in desperate need of a school and everyday things that we take for granted. A HUGE portion of the proceeds from the sale of this work WILL BE DONATED TO THE CHARITY to build this school that will also serve as a hurricane shelter and help the children. I do not know if these children, or all of the children from this area, are ok since the earthquake. But I do know that they need help. This is where these children are...
I did this series of Haitian children at the end of 2009. These are the real faces of kids that live on the tiny island of Ile La Vache, off the South West edge of Haiti, in desperate need of a school and everyday things that we take for granted. A HUGE portion of the proceeds from the sale of this work WILL BE DONATED TO THE CHARITY to build this school that will also serve as a hurricane shelter and help the children. I do not know if these children, or all of the children from this area, are ok since the earthquake. But I do know that they need help. This is where these children are...
If you click on "The School" you will see what their school is. I'm pretty sure that since the earthquake they are in need of help....
I got the photos of these children with the hope to raise $$ for them from
click on
"Heard About our recent mission to Haiti?" and you will see the work that they are doing. It's just FABULOUS!:)
If you are interested in My work or just helping...Please email me at